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Sainsbury Centre present

The Camera Never Lies: Challenging images through The Incite Project: What is Truth? season

Saturday 18 May – Sunday 20 October

Sainsbury Centre

The Camera Never Lies: Challenging images through The Incite Project re-evaluates some of the most iconic images of the past 100 years, asking to what extent they have shaped or created a false understanding of major global events.

The exhibition looks at the way photography has been used to present facts, whilst questioning its truth, through photographers such as Don McCullin and Robert Capa.

We are constantly flooded with images and information and rely upon photography as a way to understand events and confirm they happened.

Its ability to convey spectacle quickly is effective, yet highly problematic when relied upon too heavily to reveal the full truth.

The exhibition will include original photographs from the twentieth century which have come to represent iconic events through their repeated use in print journalism, superseding their original context as illustration to text.

Alongside will be photographic artists from the twenty-first century who use the medium to question assumed truths about the world that may be hidden – including government surveillance, domestic violence, and the effect of conflict on civilian populations, shining a light on the marginalised and over-looked.

This exhibition is part of the 2024 What Is Truth? Season

Important information

Venue: Sainsbury Centre

Content warning: The exhibition contains some graphic news images.


Tickets: For ticket information see

Image: Stuart Franklin ‘The Tank Man’ stopping the column of T59 tanks. Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China. 4 June 1989.© Stuart Franklin_Magnum Photos

Arts make life better

Norfolk & Norwich Festival brings tens of thousands of people together in celebration – it has been doing this for 250 years. Through our May Festival and our year-round arts education work, focusing on children and young people, we lead and support celebration, creativity and curiosity in communities across Norfolk and the region.

This year we begin an exciting new initiative, Festival Connect & Create that will bring creative opportunities to those schools and communities with least provision. Creativity transforms people’s lives. It builds cohesive communities, develops vital skills and supports health and wellbeing. We want more people to have access to creative opportunities.

Please consider donating to support and develop this work. With your help we can increase access to the life changing power of the arts.

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